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Government Of Assam Transformation and Development Directorate of Economics and Statistics

Industrial Statistics

The Industrial Statistics data available in DES mainly relating to- (i) Annual Survey of Industry (ASI), (ii) Index of Industrial Production (IIP) of Assam, by collecting Monthly Production Data (MPD) in respect of Selected Items from some selected Industrial units. (iii) Mineral Statistics of major minerals e.g. Coal, Petroleum (Crude), Natural Gas (Utilised) and Limestone, (iv) Tea Statistics. 

  • Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) : - The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the principal source of industrial statistics in India. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate, objectively and realistically the changes in the growth, composition and structure of organised manufacturing sector comprising activities relating to manufacturing processes, repair service, gas and water supply and cold storage.

    The latest available information for ASI are for the year 2022-23. According to the report, there are 5712 factories in Assam out of which 5010 are in operation.

    ASI Table

  • Index of Industrial production (IIP) : - The index of Industrial Production is an index which shows growth rates in different industry groups of the economy in a stipulated period of time. The IIP covers broadly three sectors namely electricity, mining and manufacturing and an annualised compilation is carried out on the basis of indexes from month to month. IIp is of immense use in gauging the industrial growth of the state. IIP is termed as one of the tools for measuring the growth of the Industrial Sector at a point of time. The work of IIP for the year 2022-23 with base year 2011-12=100 is complete and is available.

    IIP Graph

  • Mineral Statistics: - Contribution of the mineral sector to State Domestic product (SDP) could not be ignored as it contributed around 14% percent of total SDP according to the 2024-25 (Provisional estimate) at current prices. DES Assam has been publishing reports of Index of Mineral Production in Assam covering the major minerals only [e.g. Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas (Utilized) which accounts about 93% of net value of all minerals in Assam]. For coal, source of data are Coal India Ltd Margerita, Assam Mineral Dev Corporation, Indian Bureau of Mines Nagpur. For Petroleum and Natural gas data the sources are - Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Nazira; Oil India Ltd. Duliajan and Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur. For limestone the sources of data are - Cement Corporation of India, Bokajan; Vinay Cement Factory, Umrangsho; NECEM, Umrangsho and Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur.
  • Tea Statistics: - The total number of tea gardens in Assam is 122478 out of which 1216751 are Small Tea Growers and 803 are Big Tea Growers These gardens cover an area of Approximately 449 thousand hect. (114 thousand hect. of Small tea growers and 335 thousand hect of Big Tea Growers). As per the data received from the Districts, the production of tea leaves is nearly 1487 M. Kg for the year 2020-21 (1097 M.kg from Big Tea Growers and 389 M. kg from Small Tea growers). Total amount of tea manufactured is approximately 363 M.kg, out of which CTC comprises 93% followed by Green tea and Orthodox Tea.
Index of Industrial Production in Assam (From the Year 2012-13 to 2022-23)441.39 KBswf-image
Index of Industrial Production in Assam (From the Year 2012-13 to 2022-23)