The Industrial Statistics data available in DES mainly relating to- (i) Annual Survey of Industry (ASI), (ii) Index of Industrial Production (IIP) of Assam, by collecting Monthly Production Data (MPD) in respect of Selected Items from some selected Industrial units. (iii) Mineral Statistics of major minerals e.g. Coal, Petroleum (Crude), Natural Gas (Utilised) and Limestone, (iv) Tea Statistics and (iv) Statistics on Strikes & Lock-out in respect of Industries/ Factories.
- Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) : - ASI is the major source of industrial statistics in the India as well as in Assam. This is conducted annually and covering many aspects of the Industry sector. The latest available information on ASI are 2008-09 and 2009-10 reports, however 2010-11 and 2011-12 reports are under preparation. Presently ASI 2015-16 work is going on and tabulation work for 2012-13 is also going on.
- Index of Industrial production (IIP) : - The development in the industrial sector is measured by Index of industrial Production (IIP). This is one of the most important macro economic indicators indicating the magnitude of industrial output over a given period to compare in a particular reference period. The work of IIP in Assam for the year 2015-16 (Prov.) with new base year 2011-12 is under process. IIP of Assam from 2004-05 to 2014-15 with base year 2004-05 is available.
- Mineral Statistics: - Contribution of the mineral sector to State Domestic product (SDP) could not be ignored as it contributed around 4% of total SDP. However, it is gradually decreasing. DES Assam has been publishing reports of Index of Mineral Production in Assam covering the major minerals only [e.g. Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas (Utilized) which accounts about 93% of net value of all minerals in Assam]. For coal sources of data are Coal India Ltd Margerita, Assam Mineral Dev corporation, Indian Bureau of Mines Nagpur. For Petroleum and Natural gas data the sources are - Oil and Natural gas corporation, Nazira; Oil India Ltd. Duliajan and Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur. For limestone the sources of data are - Cement corporation of India, Bokajan; Vinay Cement Factory, Umrangsho; NECEM, Umrangsho and Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur.
- Tea Statistics: - The total numbers of Tea Garden in Assam is 49,102 out of which 3,375 are small tea growers. These gardens covered an area of 2,99,502 hectors. The production of Tea is nearly 48,749 thousand kilogram which is almost 50% of the total tea production in India. This production contributes nearly 5% to the SDP of the state. The Directorate is attempting to collect regularly the district wise Statistics in respect of area, production and average number of workers in respect of Tea Statistics.
- Strike and lockout Statistics: - This Statistics is regularly collecting through field offices of DES Assam from the industries/ factories. The information used to compile and regularly submitted to the Labour Bureau, Government of India. Detail Report of Strike and Lockout for the year 2015 (January to December) is prepared and sent to Labour Bureau, Simla.