Assam, a state situated in the North-East region of India –bordering seven states namely-Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and West Bengal and two countries viz-Bhutan and Bangladesh. The geographical area of the state is 78,438 of which 98.4 percent area is rural. Assam shares about 2.4% of the country’s landmass, providing shelter to 2.6% of India’s population as per Census, 2011. For administration and revenue purposes, the state has presently 35 districts, including six newly created districts namely-Biswanath, Charaideo, Hojai, South Salmara, West Karbi-Anglong, Majuli, Bajali and Tamulpur. Due to delimitation process in Assam four districts viz-Biswanath, Hojai, Bajali&Tamulpur are merged with their original districts.
Assam is a state of heterogeneous population with socio-cultural and ethnic diversity. According to the Census of India,2011 the population of Assam was 312.05 lakh of which 159.39 lakh were male and 152.66 lakh were female. The projected population (released by Census of India ) of Assam in 2022 is found as 353.78 lakh of which 180.06lakh are male and 173.71lakh are female. The decadal growth rate of the state population during 2001-2011 was 17.07% against 17.68% growth for the country as a whole. Out of total population in the state ,86% population lived in rural areas and 14% population in urban areas. The percentage of rural population of the state was higher than all India average (69%). However, the urban population in the state had increased from 12.9% in 2001 to 14% in 2011.The density of population of Assam in 2011 was 398 person per as compare to 340 persons in 2001. The sex ratio(number of female per thousand male) of Assam had increased to 958 in 2011 from 935 in 2001.Compare to overall sex ratio of the state, the child sex ratio(age group 0-6 years) had gradually declined from 975 in 1991 to 967 in 2001 and further to 962 in 2011.On the other hand, sex ratio at birth in Assam as per 2011 census was 957.
State Profile of Assam | ||
Geographical Location- | ||
Latitude: | 24 N° - 28 N° | |
Longitude: | 90 E° - 96 E° | |
Geographical Area (Sq. Km.): | 78438 | |
Average Rainfall (in mm): | 2077.8 | |
Districts | 33 | |
Sub-dividions : | 80 | |
Blocks: | 219 | |
Revenue Circle: | 184 | |
Zilla Parishad: | 20 | |
Anchalik Panchayat: | 189 | |
Gaon Panchayat: | 2202 | |
Towns: | 214 | |
Villages: | 26395 | |
Household: | 6406471 | |
Total Population [Census 2011]: | 31205576 | 35713000 (2023,Projected) |
Male Population [Census 2011]: | 15939443 | 18170000(2023,Projected) |
Female Population [Census 2011]: | 15266133 | 17543000 (2023,Projected) |
Rural Population [Census 2011]: | 26807034 | 30156000 (2023,Projected) |
Urban Population [Census 2011]: | 4398542 | 5557000 (2023,Projected) |
Sex Ratio (female per 1000 male) [Census 2011]: | 958 | |
Population Density (per Sq. Km.) [Census 2011]: | 398 | |
Child Population (0-6 Years) [Census 2011]: | 4638130 | |
Child Sex Ratio (0-6 Years) [Census 2011]: | 962 | |
Literacy Rate (%) [Census 2011]: | 72.19 | |
Literacy Rate (%) (Rural) [Census 2011]: | 69.34 | |
Literacy Rate (%) (Urban) [Census 2011]: | 88.47 | |
Male Literacy Rate (%) [Census 2011]: | 77.85 | |
Male Literacy Rate (Rural) [Census 2011]: | 75.4 | |
Male Literacy Rate (Urban) [Census 2011]: | 91.8 | |
Female Literacy Rate (%) [Census 2011]: | 66.27 | |
Female Literacy Rate (Rural) [Census 2011]: | 63 | |
Female Literacy Rate (Urban) [Census 2011]: | 84.9 | |
Birth Rate (Per 1000) [2020]: | 21.9 | |
Death Rate (Per 1000) [2020]: | 6.2 | |
BPL Population [Tendulkar Methodology (2011-12)] | 31.98 | |
Per Capita NSDP at Current Price (in Rs.) [2022-23 AE]: | 118504 | |
Per Capita GSDP at Current Price (in Rs.) [2022-23 AE]: | 136819 | |
Total Receipts (Rs. in crore) [2022-23(BE)]: | 139444 | |
State tax revenue | 30002 | |
Share of Central Tax | 31951 | |
Non-tax Revenue (Collected by the State): | 7011 | |
Finance commission grants | 10189 | |
Total Expenditure (Rs. in crore) [2022-23(BE)]: | 139755 | |
General Services: | 42690 | |
Social and Community Services: | 51912 | |
Economic Services: | 15732 | |
Grants-in-aid & Contribution: | 1003 | |
Land Utilisation, (in Hect.) [2020-21(P)]:- | ||
Total Reported Area: | 7831027 | |
Forest Area: | 1828936 | |
Area under Non-agricultural Uses: | 1323955 | |
Net Area Sown: | 2723610 | |
Total Cropped Area: | 3888368 | |
Area under (‘000 Hect) [2021-22(P)]:- | ||
Rice: | 2360470 | |
Wheat: | 9342 | |
Maize: | 41157 | |
Pulses: | 144 | |
Total Food Grains:(p) | 2554 | |
Total Oil Seeds: | 332 | |
Production of (‘in Tonne) [2021-22(P)]:- | ||
Rice: | 4382698 | |
Wheat: | 11374 | |
Maize: | 170180 | |
Total Pulses: | 110 | |
Total Food Grains: | 4678 | |
Total Oil Seeds (Exc. Coconut): | 332 | |
Number of Operational Holding ('000Nos)[2010-11]:- | ||
Marginal (below 1 Hectare): | 1868 | |
Small (1.0 to 2.0 Hectare): | 495 | |
Semi Medium (2.0 to 4.0 Hectare): | 295 | |
Medium (4.0 to 10.0 Hectare): | 79 | |
Large (above 10.0 Hectare): | 4 | |
Average size of Operational Holding (in Hectare): | 1.09 | |
Net Irrigated Area (in'000 Hect.): | 254.45 | |
Gross Irrigated Area (in'000 Hect.): | 291.55 | |
Production of [2020-21]:-p | ||
Milk (Million Litres): | 1034 | |
Egg (Million Nos.): | 542 | |
Meat (‘000 Tonnes): | 56.08 | |
Veterinary Facilities:- | ||
Hospitals: | 22 | |
Dispensaries & Block Dispensaries: | 311 | |
Key Village Centre: | 19 | |
Total Area under Fisheries (Hect.) [2021-22]: | 71843.5 | |
River Fisheries (Km.) [2021-22]: | 11060.6 | |
Production of Fish Seeds (Million Nos.) [2021-22]: | 18218.7 | |
Production of Fish (Tonne) [2021-22]: | 416915 | |
Area under Reserved Forest (Hect.) [2022]: | 1359026.7 | |
Number of National Parks: | 7 | |
Number of Wildlife Sanctuaries: | 22 | |
Installed Capacity of Generating Plant (in M.W.) [2020-21]: | 341.955 | |
Gross Unit Generation (M.U.) [2020-21]: | 1389.595 | |
Energy Requirement (M.U.) [2020-21]: | 11463 | |
Availability (M.U.) of Electricity [2020-21]: | 11004 | |
% of Villages Electrified: | 88 | |
% of Household having Electricity: | 37 | |
Production of:- | ||
Petroleum (Crude) (‘000 Tonnes) [2021-22]: | 3988 | |
Coal (‘000 Tonnes): | 28 | |
Lime Stone ('000 Tonnes) [2021-22]: | 1680 | |
Natural Gas (MCM) [2021-22]: | 3126 | |
Registered Factories [2021]: | 7873 | |
Workers in Regd. Factories:2021 | 298690 | |
Sericulture Villages [2021-22]: | 8627 | |
Families Engaged in Sericulture [2021]: | 299936 | |
Production of Silk Yarn ('000 Kg) [2021-22]: | 5655.09 | |
Tea Gardens (Nos.) [2021-22]: | ||
Small Growers: | 121675 | |
Big Growers: | 765 | |
Area under Tea Cultivation (Hect.) [2021-22]: | ||
Small Growers: | 114801.24 | |
Big Growers: | 232399 | |
Production of Tea (‘000 Kg.) [2021]: | 667.73 | |
Tea Sold in Guwahati Tea Auction Centre (Rs. per Kg.) [2021]: | 192.09 | |
Total Vehicles on Road [2021-22]: | 4808182 | |
No. of vehicle reg during 2021-22 | 389458 | |
No. of Post Offices [2021-22]: | 4011 | |
P.W.D Road Length (in Km.) [2021-22]:- | ||
Surfaced (Blacktopped): | 29670.8 | |
Un-surfaced: | 12281.01 | |
National Highway: | 3882.88 | |
State Highway: | 2540.36 | |
Total P.W.D Road: | 4309.93 | |
Total Road Length (including NH): | 59203.93 | |
Railway Route Length (in Km.):-Assam | 2519.79 | |
Broad gauge: | 0.34 | |
Meter gauge: | 2520.13 | |
All Scheduled Commercial Banks (reporting) [2020-21]:- | ||
Total Offices (Nos.): | 2925 | |
Total Deposit (Rs. in Crore): | 175579 | |
Total Credit (Rs. in Crore): | 81870 | |
Credit Deposit Ratio: | 46.6 | |
Population Covered per Bank office (‘000 Person): | 11.98 | |
No. of Institution [2020-21:- | ||
Lower Primary: | 35856 | |
Upper Primary: | 5668 | |
High and Higher Secondary: | 4300 | |
College for General Education: | 417 | |
Junior College: | 62 | |
College for Professional Education : | ||
Agriculture and Forestry | 7 | |
Veterinary | 4 | |
Law College | 27 | |
Technology and Enginerring college | 33 | |
Medcal college( Homeo/Ayurvedic/Dental) | 23 | |
Enrolment (In Nos) | ||
Lower Primary: | 2711273 | |
Upper Primary: | 1509345 | |
Higher Education University(Private+Deemed) | 20 | |
Drop Out Rate: 2021-22 | ||
Lower Primary:% | 6.02 | |
Upper Primary:% | 8.81 | |
Civil Hospitals; 2021-22 | 25 | |
Sub-dividional hospitals | 14 | |
Primary Health Centre | 850 | |
Community Health Centre | 201 | |
Infant Mortality Rate(per'000) 2020 | 36 | |
Neo natel Mortality Rate (per '000) 2020 | 19 | |
Under Five mortality rate (per'000) 2020 | 40 | |
No. of job card issued | 3961115 | |
No of household provided 100 days employment 2021 | 52308 | |
Employment generated(lakh mandays) in nos | 91721017 |